Meet Bella:

When I started university, I slowly started to embrace all of the things that made me different, realising that it was a strength, as it allowed me to connect with a variety of different people from all walks of life.

an image of Bella, standing with yoga clothes smiling.

When I received my autism and ADHD diagnosis in my early 20s, I shared my journey on social media, connecting with other neurodivergent women like me. I was able to realise the need of not only educational awareness, but also celebration of difference.

During my diagnosis journey, I started yoga, a powerful practice that helped me self-regulate and finally be at home in my body, more than any night out at university could.

Whether it’s through giving neuro-inclusive education in a workplace or teaching yoga to neurodivergent folks, my mission is to help communities support and celebrate difference.

Academic Qualifications:

Cross-Cultural Studies-Tværkulturelle Studier- (cand.mag)- University of Copenhagen

Masters thesis: “Behind the mask:Uncovering autistic women’s experience of sexual consent in Denmark” (read here).

Scandinavian Studies and Classics (Scottish MA)- University of Edinburgh

Yoga Training:

Ashtanga Vinyasa (200 hours) - Iluma Yoga School, Copenhagen

Special Yoga & Mindfulness for Autism & ADHD (40 hours)